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South Lanarkshire Council is a democratic organisation. It comprises 64 elected Councillors who are responsible for agreeing policies about services and how the Council's money is spent. The Council employs officers who are responsible for its day to day management.

Councillors decide which policies the Council should pursue, ensure they are carried out and monitor services to ensure they are delivered in the most efficient and effective way.

Local Councillors represent public interest as well as the views and opinions of individuals in their Ward. It is also their responsibility to help those with difficulties which the Council could help solve.

Councillors are elected by the voting members of the community

To do this they have regular contact with the general public through either Council meetings, telephone calls or surgeries. Surgeries provide an opportunity for any ward resident to go and talk to their Councillor face to face at their regular surgeries held in various locations in their ward area.

If you are interested in hearing the Council decision making process in action, Council Committee meetings are open to public attendance. Details of the agendas, times and locations of the various meetings are available on our Councillors and Committees page.

Councillors are paid a basic salary and can claim some allowances for their work. By law, all members of the Council are required to complete a Declaration of Interest form, the details of which are published annually.

Local Councillors