Early learning and childcare
Information pages
- Applying for a 2-3 year old early learning and childcare place
- Applying for a 3-5 year old funded early learning and childcare place
- Applying for an early learning and childcare place
- Early Learning and Childcare charges and exemptions
- Early learning and childcare in South Lanarkshire
- Early years admissions policy (Feb 2021)
- Early years curriculum
- From nursery to primary school
- Funded providers, nursery classes, centres and schools
- Moving your child to another nursery
- Nursery brunch and afternoon snack menu 2024-2025
- Nursery lunch menu 2024-2025
- Nursery lunches and snacks
- Nursery standards
- Pre-school children with additional support needs
- Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme