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HomeImprove service and scheme of assistance

The Scheme of Assistance is delivered by our HomeImprove service. This was introduced to assist homeowners and those who rent a private property, to repair, maintain, improve, and adapt their homes. The Scottish Government website has further information on the Scheme of Assistance.

If you are eligible and want to apply for any of the assistance available, complete the HomeImprove assistance enquiry form:

Or apply for adaptations for disabled people using the Equipment and adaptations assistance form:

 Further information is available on our HomeImprove Scheme of Assistance publications.

Who is eligible for help under the scheme?

  • property owners 
  • private tenants who are responsible for the work the application refers to
  • life renters (people who have made a life rent agreement with the owner of the property so they can live in the property for the rest of their life)
  • disabled persons living in the home (where we have assessed that the home requires adaptations to meet their assessed needs)

What service can you expect?

Those eligible will have access to the HomeImprove service, offering tailored information, advice, and practical help. The Scheme has been developed to meet national outcomes and our legal requirements, taking account of local needs and demands. It will:

  • provide information, advice, and practical help, encouraging all owners to take responsibility for their homes
  • help disabled and older people live in their homes
  • help provide basic levels of financial help, encouraging owners to deal with major problems where their homes do not meet the tolerable standard
  • encourage flat owners, who are responsible for shared areas, to take part in 'common works' as part of investment programmes in council housing, and help us and other social landlords, such as housing associations, achieve the Scottish Housing Quality Standard
  • help prevent privately owned homes from falling into serious disrepair by encouraging early action

Can you still get a grant?

Grants are available for some categories of work. A mandatory 80% grant is awarded for eligible adaptations for disabled people once their needs have been assessed by an occupational therapist. Sometimes we can offer a 100% grant. Work must be for standard amenities (including the provision of a low-level shower or wet floor shower) or internal alterations. 
Other priority areas of work may be offered 25% for work costing up to £5000 and 35% for work costing £5,000 and above. The works eligible for this financial assistance are where:

  • the structure of your home is unstable (as confirmed in an independent structural report, and there is a risk of all or part of it collapsing. This includes fresh cracking, movement of structural parts and damage, deterioration, rot, and timber infestations)
  • there is not, and never has been, an inside toilet solely for your household
  • there is an inadequate supply of wholesome water
  • if you need to upgrade from a cesspool to a septic tank 
  • there is significant rising damp, with visible signs of damp inside the home, and the environmental health officer decides that this causes the property to fall below the tolerable standard
  • 'common works' are carried out as part of investment programmes in council housing, helping us and other social landlords (such as housing associations) achieve the Scottish Housing Quality Standard

Qualifying criteria exist for this financial support and conditions also apply to any support offered.

Further advice and assistance may also be available through the Citizens Advice Bureau, Energy Saving Trust, the Financial Conduct Authority, Money Matters Advice Service, Consumer and Trading Standards, Social Work, Environmental Health and Planning and Housing Options Scotland.

Related content

  1. HomeImprove service and scheme of assistance
  2. Review of the Scheme of Assistance