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Concessionary travel scheme

Free bus travel for older and disabled people is available in a Scotland-wide scheme. You can travel at any time on any local bus service or scheduled long distance coach service.

What you need to use it

You need a Scottish Citizen's National Entitlement Card (NEC), which is often referred to as the concessionary bus pass.

There is no charge for this and it also entitles you to cheaper fares on First ScotRail trains and the Glasgow subway. There are some restrictions surrounding the use of the concessionary cards, please see Strathclyde Partnership for Transport for terms and conditions and further information regarding the restrictions.

For more information and details on how apply visit 60+ National Entitlement Card for the over 60s travel card, or Disabled National Entitlement Card for the disabled person's travel card. The disabled person's card will be issued with an expiry date and will have to be renewed. The expiry date will vary depending on the cardholder's eligibility.

There are also travel concessions available for young people between the ages of 16 - 18 via the young persons National Entitlement Card. Please see the young persons National Entitlement Card for further information.