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Day care services for adults and older people

A review of our adult and older people day services was undertaken during the period 2019 - 2022 involving extensive consultation with service users, family and carers, employees and other stakeholders. The outcome of the review was presented to the IJB on 20 June 2023 focussing on the need for future service to provide:

  • Individualised support
  • Reablement focus to support independence
  • Intensive support for those with the most complex needs and high levels of dependence

The review also highlighted challenges with some of the day service buildings which were no longer suitable for people with complex disability. A decision was taken by the Integration Joint Board (IJB) on 18 October 2023 to continue to operate day services from a reduced number of 10 facilities across South Lanarkshire. 

Our day services aim to provide a flexible, responsive and supportive service during the day using specialist building based environments and the local community.  We aim to:-

  • support people to remain living well in their own communities
  • encourage people to explore new experiences and maintain existing skills and interests 
  • promote a wider and more integrated use of local communities by people who use services
  • ensure that people who use services have the opportunity to achieve their own personal outcomes
  • support people to develop and maintain social connectedness

Day care can play a useful part in helping to maintain an older person in their own home and places are only offered after a care assessment. You can complete our Social work enquiry form or contact your local social work office to request an assessment.

Do I have to pay?

Day services are subject to our charging policy. How much you contribute towards this cost will be decided by a financial assessment.  We will always take into account your ability to pay.

There is a directory of day care centres run by the Council which gives you information about how to contact our centres. All our Day Care Centres are registered and inspected by the Care Inspectorate. Please visit their website for more details.

For more information on our day care centres you can watch our video.

We are strongly committed to meeting and improving our standards and quality of services. The views of those who access our services are sought in a variety of ways; postal surveys, focus groups, carer groups and consultation events.  For more information on our Day Care Focus Group watch our film.

The Scottish Government published the new Health and Social Care Standards that set out what you should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland. They seek to provide better outcomes for everyone and to ensure that individuals are treated with respect and dignity and that the basic human rights we are all entitled to are upheld.