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Primary school road safety


Bikeability Scotland is multi-level Cycle Training in Scotland which is designed to give young people the skills and confidence to ride their bikes safely on today's roads.

The following levels are supported by the Traffic and Transportation Section.

Bikeability Scotland Level 1

Teaches basic competencies on a bike, such as balance, control skills and making turns. It is intended to be delivered to children before the end of Primary 5 and is delivered in a controlled environment such as the playground.

Bikeability Scotland Level 2

Teaches how to ride a bike safely on the road and navigate basic junctions. The training is intended to be delivered to Primary 6 children. This covers starting and ending an on-road journey, correct road positioning, left and right turns and overtaking. An element of classroom work is also required which covers the Highway Code, bike maintenance, safe journeys and environmental awareness. Practical sessions are designed to be delivered within a risk assessed on-road location after basic skills have been taught off-road.

Training Materials

Comprehensive training materials are provided by Cycling Scotland for teachers, pupils, parents and trainers. Participating schools can access these from the Traffic and Transportation Section.

Instructor Training Course

Prospective cycle training instructors, nominated by local schools attend a training course carried out by the Traffic and Transportation Section. Successful completion of this course allows trainers to deliver Level 1 and 2 of the Bikeability Scotland programme.

For more information see the Bikeability website. If you notice a road fault when you are out please let us know by completing the report a road fault form which you can find on the road and lighting fault page.