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Second-hand dealer's licence

If you deal in any of the second-hand goods listed below you need a second-hand dealer's licence.

  • motor vehicles, motor vehicles spares and parts, including tyres
  • motor cycles and parts thereof, including tyres
  • caravans, motor homes and parts thereof
  • bicycles
  • domestic appliances
  • furniture, including mattresses, headboards, pillows and cushions
  • jewellery, antiques, clocks, watches, gold, silver, medals, coins
  • musical instruments
  • general household effects
  • televisions and radios
  • audio/video players and recorders
  • toys
  • trade persons' tools and equipment
  • photographic and cinematic equipment
  • telephonic instruments including mobile phones, fax machines and associated equipment, Computer hardware, games hardware and related software
  • DVDs, CDs, and other audio/video playback or recording mediums
  • clothing

If you are buying the business from someone else you still need to apply for a licence as theirs cannot be transferred to you.

How to apply

If you already have a licence, you may wish to make changes to its terms, you can also do this online.

How the application is dealt with

If you haven't heard from us within 28 days please contact Licensing and Registration office and we will let you know about your application's progress.

You must bring proof of identification when you collect your documents.

If someone else is collecting them for you, they must bring something in writing from you stating that you give your permission. This must be signed by you and give the details of the person who is collecting your documents. The signature on the letter will be compared with the signature on the application form. We will not accept an email.

Can anyone object?

Once we have your application there is a 28-day objection period. Your application will be copied and sent to Police Scotland for any comments or objections they may have. you can't trade until after this period. You must display your application and site notice at, or near the premises for the 28-day period so that it can be easily read by the public. You can blank out personal details on the application but details of the nature of your business and the times of trade should be clear. On the 29th day you should complete and return a certificate of compliance to the Licensing and Registration office. You should not trade until you have been told that the licence has been granted.

How much does it cost?

Full licence fee - £362.52

Related content

  1. Second-hand dealer's licence
  2. Conditions of licence