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Contaminated land

Contaminated land is a legacy of Scotland's industrial past. Engineering works, metal processing, mining, quarrying and waste disposal have left some sites chemically contaminated.

Environmental Services inspect land for contamination. Please download a copy of our contaminated land strategy.

Many of the potentially contaminated sites are dealt with through the planning process. Please view Contaminated land development guide for guidance for developers, planning agents and consultants.

Problems arising from contaminated sites are addressed through the Environmental Protection Act 1990. You can download the Scottish Government's statutory guidance on this. This Act requires us to maintain a public register of contaminated land.  A summary of sites within South Lanarkshire can be viewed on the following page. 

If you have concerns or suspect that land may be contaminated or to view the full public register please contact Environmental services.

Related content

  1. Contaminated land
  2. Register summary of designated contaminated land sites