Parent council gets £1500 books boost thanks to community wish list

Published: Wednesday 17 July 2024

pupils in school library supported by donation from Browns Books

A parent council hoping for more books for the school library has had their request come true thanks to the Community Wish List.

High Blantyre Primary School Parent Council made a request to the Community Wish List for any donation to help assist with the learning of their school community. They hoped to extend the variety of learning through eBooks and other types of books for families to take home and enjoy together.

Dr Susan Lindner-Kelly, the chairperson of the parent council said: “We are currently working our way through The Reading Schools Award programme and have a huge whole school and community focus on reading.

“This grant has provided us with a large selection of much needed non-fiction books for our new school library.

“We have also been given access to our very own online platform, where children, parents/carers and the wider community can borrow eBooks electronically from their homes.

“This is a great opportunity to provide access to free books outwith the school environment, which we would not have been able to do without the resources Browns Books has gifted our school. Thank you for granting our Community Wish.”

Browns Books is the UK's leading supplier of books and eBooks for schools and libraries across the UK. Supporting this project was very high on their priority list and fits perfectly with their ethos.

Claire Smith from Browns Books said: “It was a real pleasure to meet head teacher Kirsteen Helsby and some of the pupils who will benefit from the books we have chosen and donated.

“Hopefully, this will inspire a generation of passionate readers. The people of South Lanarkshire should also be proud of the work carried out by the Community Wish List team.”

The Community Wish List is supported by South Lanarkshire Council’s Community Engagement Team.

Councillor Lesley McDonald, the chair of the council's Finance and Corporate Resources Committee, said: "This is yet another great example of how the Community Wish List can support such a wide range of community initiatives.

“I am delighted that High Blantyre Primary School Parent Council got their wish for free books that can be accessed outwith the school environment.

"And a big thank you to Browns Books for making such a generous donation to to support the parent council’s new school library project."