Minutes 1 February 2023
Note of meeting held via Microsoft Teams on 1 February 2023
Councillor Mark Horsham
Firm Base Group members present:
Councillor Bob Burgess, Armed Forces Veterans Champion, North Lanarkshire Council
Rachel Blair, Legal Manager, North Lanarkshire Council
Catherine Johnstone, Operations Manager (People), North Lanarkshire
Yvonne Hinshelwood, Operations Co Ordinator, North Lanarkshire Council
Lynn Watson, Operations Co Ordinator North Lanarkshire Council
Andrew Craney, Corporate Communications, North Lanarkshire Council
Geraldine McCann, Lead Officer for Veterans Issues, South Lanarkshire Council
Maureen Greenwood, Members’ Services Officer, South Lanarkshire Council
Lynne Wyllie, Administration Assistant, South Lanarkshire Council
Caroline Belch, Welfare Support Officer, Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
Claire Sally, Forces Employment Charity
Audrey Cuthbertson, Armed Services Advice Project (ASAP)
Eric Foy and June Weir, Skills Development Scotland
Emma Gration, Outreach Officer BLESMA
Kenny Cumming, Veterans Welfare Officer, Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS)
Peita-Anne Paterson and Madalina Amaritei, REMPLOY
Stuart Roberts, Office of the Lieutenancy
Shaun Cauvin, Veterans Scotland
Craig Cunningham, Veterans Champion, NHS Lanarkshire
Barry Haldane, CPT
Alistair Gemmell, Veterans Welfare service
George Ross, Who Dares Cares
Lynne Davidson, Welfare Support Worker
Scott Muir, Project Nova
Helen Hanlon, Partnership Manager DWP
Colonel Ted Shields, Lowlands Reserve Forces and Cadets Assoc
Andy Siddaway, Veterans 1st Point
Mark Spowart Armed Forces Champion for South West Scotland
Archie Aitken Lead Officer for Veterans issues North Lanarkshire Council
Gavin Davey OBE, Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
Captain Andy Blair, MOD, C Company (6 SCOTS)
Dave Gibson, Fares4Free
Brian Hendrie, Alcoholics Anonymous
Steve Burton, Support Officer, BLESMA
Tom Little, Head of Corp Comms South Lanarkshire Council
Chair’s opening remarks and introduction
Cllr Horsham welcomed everyone to the meeting and requested that everyone introduce themselves.
Outcome(s): Position noted.
Note of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting of the Firm Base held on 5 October 2022 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Outcome(s): Minutes approved.
‘Decade of the Covenant’- Review by First in Mind Trust (FiMT)
Cllr Horsham informed the group of his appointment as Informing Scotland Project Officer, Veterans Scotland. He referred to “Our Community, our Covenant “document that came into force in 2012 and of the review that had been undertaken by First in Mind Trust (FiMT) focussing on the delivery and impact of ten years of the Armed Forces.
The publication of the report, 11 years after the introduction of the Covenant, coincides with the introduction of a legal duty on councils, the NHS, and schools to “have due regard” to the Covenant in relation to healthcare, education, and housing. An awareness session for local authority champions had taken place with discussions focussing on the toolkit and role descriptions.
Craig Cunningham, Veterans Champion NHS Lanarkshire informed the group that guidance was available in terms of the expectations of the health service.
Outcome(s): that the link to the “Decade of the Covenant“ be issued to all members of the Group.
Employment for Veterans Transitioning from Services
Claire Sally, Employment Forces Employment Charity advised that the charity were in the process of arranging an event to be held in the West of Scotland to encourage veterans and early service leavers to attend and employment opportunities that they contact Barry Haldane direct to discuss.
Thereon, Claire intimated the background to the Forces Employment Charity and of the recent changes that veterans into employment can be registered from seven months post discharge, and anyone can register for employment support. The charity supports veterans and spouses with the view that this be extended to looking at supporting dependence in relation to courses, training, CV’s and events in respect of employment relations.
Councillor Horsham referred to the guaranteed interview scheme currently operated by both South and North Lanarkshire and of the concern at the low figures. In respect of South Lanarkshire statistics for the previous month indicated that that nine veterans were invited to attend an interview with six failing to show. He then asked if there was anything further that could be put in place to assist and support those having trouble in attending.
Eric Foy, Skills Development Scotland intimated that an attempt was being made to engage with as many veterans as possible and that the organisation would assist and provide technique workshops for interview skills and that a pre formal interview might be something to consider reducing anxiety prior to attendance. He also advised that he delivers PACE, that aids individuals who have been made redundant, and through his experience there is an extreme lack of confidence, and pre-interview process should be considered.
Outcome(s): that the matter be discussed further at the next meeting.
Defence Employer Recognition Scheme– Silver /Gold Award
Cllr Horsham informed of expressions of interest being sought from the Ministry of Defence for organisations to be considered for the Employee Recognition Award, and that both authorities were in the process of applying, North Lanarkshire for the silver award and South Lanarkshire for Gold Award.
Outcome(s): that the position be noted.
Any other competent business
REMPLOY – Open Day
Peita-Anne Paterson, REMPLOY advised that to support employability, they were in the process of arranging an open day each month to be held in Quarry Street, Hamilton and that would allow groups of individuals to meet in a relaxed environment. A Jobs Fayre had also been arranged to take place on 22 March and would include a multitude of sectors from care, retail, and hospitality.
Outcome(s): Noted.
Lanarkshire Firm Base – Proposed change of name
Cllr Horsham suggested that it may be beneficial the name of the Group be reviewed and requested that the matter be investigated further as to the feasibility of, and any legal implications and processes to be undertaken if the Group agreed that the name be changed.
Craig Cunningham, Veteran’s Champion, NHS confirmed that that the name would require to include a veteran’s reference.
Outcome(s): that the feasibility of the name being change be explored and discussed at the next meeting of the Group.
Armed Forces Day
Cllr Horsham advised that South Lanarkshire Council were in the preliminary stages of arrangements for the Armed Forces Day. Councillor Burgess confirmed that he would ascertain the arrangements being considered by North Lanarkshire Council and provide and update at the next meeting.
Outcome(s): Noted.
Date of next meeting
It was proposed that the next meeting of the Firm Base be a hybrid meeting being held on 31 May 2023.
Outcome(s): It was agreed that the next meeting of the Firm Base be scheduled as a hybrid meeting on 31 May 2023.