Minutes 19 May 2021
Councillor Mark Horsham, South Lanarkshire Council
Members present
- Archie Aitken, Lead Officer for Veterans Issues, North Lanarkshire Council
- Geraldine McCann, Lead Officer for Veterans Issues, South Lanarkshire Council
- Andrew Craney, Corporate Communications, North Lanarkshire Council
- Pamela Prentice, Elections Assistant, North Lanarkshire Council
- Lynne Wyllie, Administration Assistant, South Lanarkshire Council
- David McAllister SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity
- Eric Foy and June Weir, Skills Development Scotland
- Audrey Cuthbertson, Armed Services Advice Project (ASAP)
- Frank Caldwell and Kevin Goodwin, Welfare Manager, Veterans UK
- Jan Gordon, DWP SWS Armed Forces Champion, Kilmarnock VCP
- Carolyne Mitchell, Digital Team Leader, South Lanarkshire Council
- Shaun Cauvin, Veterans Scotland
- Les Obre, Quality Improvement Officer, Education Resources, South Lanarkshire Council
- Scott Muir, SACRO
- Stuart Roberts, Office of the Lieutenancy
- Claire Sally, The Forces Employment Charity
- Kenny Cumming, DMWS
- Kenny Elliot, VC Hub Lanarkshire Co ordinator
- Dr Jennifer Ring, Lanarkshire Veterans First Point
- David Gibson, Fares4Free
- Steve Burton, BLESMA
- Councillor Davie Cullen, Veterans Champion, North Lanarkshire Council
- Catherine Johnstone, North Lanarkshire Council
- Phil Cole, SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity
- Ashley Calderwood and Bob Reid, Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS)
- Emma Gration, Outreach Officer (Scotland) BLESMA
- Joan Guild, DWP SWS Armed Forces Champion, Kilmarnock VCP
- Margaret Yeaman, Lanarkshire Veterans First Point
- Louise Brownlie, Lanarkshire Division Armed Services and Veterans, Police Scotland
- Brian Hendrie, Alcoholics Anonymous
- Gavin Davey OBE, Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
- Craig Cunningham, Veterans Champion, NHS Lanarkshire
- Kevin Goodwin, Welfare Manager, Veterans UK
- Colonel A J Fitzpatrick MBE, Deputy Commander, JMC Scotland HQ 51 Infantry Brigade and HQ
- Captain Alexander Shannon, 52 Support Squadron, 32 Signal Regiment
Chair’s opening remarks
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting
Outcome(s): Position noted.
Note of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting of the Firm Base held on 20 January 2021 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Outcome(s): Minutes approved.
Lanarkshire Firm Base website update
Archie Aitken and Andrew Craney, North Lanarkshire Council advised the Group that the Firm Base booklet was currently being developed and would replicate the contents of the Website and on completion would be available either as a hard or downloadable copy.
Carolyne Mitchell, South Lanarkshire Council thanked those members of the Group who had participated in the development of the website, to the extent that the Website was ready to go live on the agreed date of 25 June 2021, subject to the approval of the group and of the URL address.
Carolyne provided an overview of the website and the available URL addresses associated costs. Thereon, discussion took place by the group in respect of the most beneficial address ensuring the website to be easily accessible for members of the public.
(1) The URL link to the website be registered as www.lanarkshirearmedforces.org.uk
(2) The link to the website be issued to all members and any feedback be provided to Carolyne, and subject to any amendments being received and made the website go live on the agreed date of 25 June 2021.
(3) The appropriate press release statements be prepared and issued to the local press.
Scottish Military Community Information – Home Matters Spring 2021
The Group noted the content of the correspondence received in relation to the Scottish Military Community Information – Home Matters Spring 2021. Councillor Horsham intimated that Ted Shields, Lowland Reserve and Cadettes Association had been invited to attend the meeting to provide a short presentation in respect of the Association but had not been able attend
Outcome(s): That the presentation on the Lowland Reserve and Cadettes Association be continued to a future meeting of the Group.
Updates from Partners
David McAllister, SSAFA informed that 16 referrals had been received in the past month and that nationally SSAFA were quiet in terms of referrals. All staff were continuing to work remotely in preparation for when referrals would increase.
Dr Ring, Veterans First Point advised that their referrals were down during Covid but had risen at each lockdown. As a priority they had implemented the return of face-to-face Micro Access points facilitated by 1 peer support worker with 4 bookable slots being available, 2 per week commencing at the end of May. This would be kept under review in terms of the demand and in line with Scottish Government guidance. The first digital emotional resources group had been introduced for individuals with emotional dysregulation with background complex trauma. Video and telephone appointments were still being carried out with home visits being undertaken to set up technology in those areas experiencing digital poverty and lack of skills.
Frank Caldwell, Veterans UK advised that there had been a decline in the number of referrals over the past two months but were now to be on the increase. The main points for assistance being housing and debt advice, in particular single living i.e., one bedroom type accommodation for the non-married service personnel returning to Scotland.
Kenny Cummings, DMWS advised the group that referrals were starting to increase and due to being based in hospitals the wards were more accessible for DWMS. This month there had been a significant increase in referrals that would generate onward referrals to organisations such as SSAFA. In Lanarkshire they were conducting a series of presentations within different hospitals, in particular Hairmyres, to provide support to medical staff post Covid.
Les Obre, Education Resources, South Lanarkshire Council intimated that he had attained a PT Pupil support volunteer to support Armed Forces and their families. He highlighted the positive feedback received from the training provided to Pupil support personnel which had given a clearer understanding of the needs of the children and families with staff being in a better position to be able to provide the appropriate support not only with issues that manifest in school but also at home. He is continuing to attend the ADES meetings and that the Royal Caledonian Education Trust were also involved.
Shaun Cauvin, Veterans Scotland intimated that membership organisations had adapted to deliver their services throughout lockdown and since the easing of restrictions were phasing in the return to face-to-face work. Veterans Scotland were in the process of recruiting an Informing Scotland Project Lead Officer employed on a full-time basis. Their role would include training to Local Authority and front-line staff. He advised that Laura Cox, 51 Brigade SO2 Transition has a new role and that her replacement should be invited to the next meeting. In respect of Scottish Veterans Housing 12 new houses would be built in the Wishaw area and anyone with enquiries please refer to the Veterans Scotland information booklet.
Steve Burton, BLESMA informed that there had been a constant flow of work with grants and financial support being provided, organising outreach projects virtually. Since easing of restrictions face-to-face meetings and home visits had been reintroduced, the first outdoor golfing activity was taking place this morning, and one of the main challenges experienced was around the delivery of social care.
Audrey Cuthbertson, ASAP advised that the referrals were gradually picking up with face-to-face work commencing in June but was unsure of when home visits would be undertaken. In the interim, and funded by Poppy Scotland, a review of the services provided by ASAP was being undertaken with any improvements identified being implemented as of 1 October 2021. Poppy Scotland had closed their welfare centres based in Inverness and Kilmarnock. For Armed Forces Day a web link had been created and she suggested for the link to be utilised in conjunction with the Lanarkshire Firm Base website. Thereon, she further advised that sadly Eddie Grant had died suddenly with his funeral taking place that very morning.
Councillor Horsham paid tribute to Eddie and requested that the condolences of the group be passed to Mr Grant’s family.
David Gibson, Fares4Free informed of the appointment of a co-ordinator for Eastern Scotland, they were celebrating their 5th Anniversary and had raised a total of £450,000.00 in fares giving. At present they were busy with combining journeys for Veterans to also include an activity.
Clare Sally, The Forces Employment Charity (West of Scotland) confirmed that they had been quiet in respect of referrals and were open for referrals and registration and over the past month they had provided support to 8 veterans.
Kenny Elliot, VC Hub Lanarkshire Co ordinator advised that the hub within Craigneuk was re-opened on 26 April 2021 with a steady flow of clients being sign posted to other organisations and that the Hub Activities Co-ordinator was in the process of arranging activities for the next few weeks.
Stuart Roberts, Office of the Lieutenancy advised during lockdown they couldn’t engage with the communities but were able to maintain communication with organisations and their entities. They were looking forward to the further easing of restrictions which would enable their ability to engage with the communities. He also advised that a census would take place in 2022 involving the Armed Forces and Veterans communities that would shed a light and identify the issues faced.
Eric Foy, Skills Development Scotland (SDS) advised the Group that centres had opened on a full-time basis since 17 May 2021. Face to face appointments were able to be made by telephone and were conducted with all Covid safety measures in place. School Career advisers had returned to schools on 19 April which allows any pupil of armed services personnel access to a School Career Adviser. Alistair Ferriar, National Team leader for veterans had been delivering online training sessions on ‘Meta-skills’ as part of personnel resilience organised by Laura Cox with each session being tailored for the audience and time allocation.
Archie Aitken, Head of Legal and Democratic Solutions, North Lanarkshire Council advised the Group that the Housing and Regeneration Committee had approved a report for the commencement of a consultation exercise to be undertaken to look at changes to the Council’s Housing Allocation Policy covering both obligations placed on the Council in terms of the context of the Armed Forces Covenant and the Armed Forces Bill in terms of the duty to have due regard to those circumstances of Veterans. Two further reports were being presented to future meetings of the Council in respect of HR Policies and the extent to which Placing Requests and educational responsibilities to favour veterans in the confines of legislation.
Mark Horsham Veterans champions, South Lanarkshire Council advised that the Director of Housing was currently consulting with other local authorities in respect of Housing provision. Meetings had been held with Veterans Scotland and RFEA regarding employability. He also gave thanks on behalf of both Veterans Champions to Maurice Cauley who provided support during his involvement in the cross-party working group.
Scott Muir, SACRO informed that remote working was still in place and that face-to-face work was being slowly introduced. It was anticipated that referrals were likely to increase due to the backlog of court cases and having access to prisons again. Thereon, he informed that Major Lee Bains would replace Laura Cox, 51 Brigade in the post of SO2 Transition and Life Skills and suggested he be invited to the next meeting of the group.
Shaun Cauvin, Veterans Scotland referred to the achievements of Maurice Cauley and his involvement with the Scottish Parliament during his tenure on the cross-party working group and that the new chairperson should be invited to attend the next meeting of this group.
Mark Horsham Veterans champions, South Lanarkshire Council suggested that Ross Thompson, Poppy Scotland be invited to the next meeting of the group.
(1) That Major Lee Bains 51 Brigade, the Chairperson of the Cross-Party Working Group and Ross Thompson, Poppy Scotland be invited to the next meeting of the Firm Base; and
(2) Position noted.
David McAllister, SSAFA referred to an email received from NHS in respect of a Veterans care network and asked if anyone had any further information. Steve Burton advised that Neil Morrison, Veterans Scotland had issued correspondence to generate veterans to participate in a Focus Group to identify issues surrounding health. The meetings of the group would be held virtually.
Mark Horsham Veterans champions, South Lanarkshire Council referred to the Armed Forces Covenant legislation survey and advised members that they could attend the virtual meetings of the All Party Political Group established by the UK Parliament
Outcome(s): Position noted.
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 29 September 2021 at 2pm at South Lanarkshire Council