Get involved news

FAQ answers all your questions on Strategic Commissioning
We are inviting views to help shape health and social care vision for tomorrow.

Are you a carer who wants to be involved in the development and shaping of services in South Lanarkshire?
We are looking for a carers representative on the Integration Joint Board

Pedalling the way to improved mental health
Wheels set in motion to support mental health

National PoA Day - 30 September 2021
Power of Attorney - its for people like you

Concrete commitment to building fabric of community life into new Care Hub as plans are approved
Plans for a Care Hub, Technology Enabled houses and Centre of Excellence in Blantyre have been approved.
The future of care in South Lanarkshire: Info evening, Tuesday 20 August 2019, Blantyre Miners Welfare
An animated guide detailing a special event focussing on the first phase of significant plans to modernise care

Life-changing personal experiences drive grandmother’s dedicated work at heart health and social care
Margaret Moncrieff - chair of South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Forum

Health and social care forum’s newest recruit bringing a fresh pair of eyes
A FOURTH year school pupil from South Lanarkshire is pursuing her dream of becoming a Doctor - by helping to shape local health

Mobile Mens Shed takes to the road
AN innovative programme aimed at tackling isolation and loneliness in older men is hitting the road in South Lanarkshire.