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Taxi/private hire driver route tests

You must pass a route test to hold a taxi or private hire car driver's licence.

There is no limit to the amount of times you may sit the test.  

Tests are held weekly in the Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton ML3 0AA. You must bring photographic ID and will require to sign a declaration.

The cost is £30.74 for each test.

The test has 25 questions. For each question you are given four possible answers one of which is the correct answer. You must get at least 20 correct to pass the test.

The route test is a test of your knowledge of the area in which you have applied to be licensed to operate in. You should be aware of the addresses and locations of prominent public buildings, for example, police offices, train stations, schools, libraries, public houses, and council buildings.

Related content

  1. Taxi/private hire driver route tests
  2. Sample route test questions