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Have your say on our performance

Summary of results from customer testing of performance and improvement website pages


In September 2015, the council invited members of the public, who had shown an interest in working with the council to make service improvements, to test and provide comments and suggestions on the performance pages within the council’s website.     

If you would like to give feedback on our performance pages, you can email

All participants were asked to rate their experience for each stage of the process from 1 to 10.  On this scale, 1 represents a very negative experience and 10 represents a very positive experience.  A summary of the results are shown in table 1 below.

Table 1 - Average satisfaction scores

1 = very unhappy; 5 = medium emotional response; and 10 = over the moon

Average satisfaction scores
Stage 1 - Searching for the information Stage 2 - Finding and opening the information page Stage 3 - Moving around the information page Stage 4 - Design / look of the page Stage 5 - Usefulness (quality) of information provided
8.2 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.2

Overall, the participants viewed the public performance reporting information positively.  A number of suggestions for improving the performance pages were identified by the participants and these will be implemented over the next year.  See table 2 below. 


Table 2 -  Participants feedback and improvements actions

Participants feedback and improvements actions
You said We said
There should be more relevant and up-to-date information returned from a search. We have reviewed and updated our website documents to ensure that only relevant information from the past three years has been retained. 

Make it easier to search for the information in the annual performance report.

From the annual performance report, we have created a separate performance report for each council objective and made these more prominent on the website.
Use logos or pictures to access information rather than links. A move towards accessing information using pictorial boxes rather than links is planned.
Summarise content and improve navigation for the performance at a glance reports so that relevant information can be accessed easily without having to read all of the report. We are creating an A-Z index of all tables contained in the performance at a glance reports.  To access relevant information quickly, we are also changing how the tables in the reports are laid out.
Make better use of the space on the left hand side of the performance at a glance landing page – too many links on the right hand side. The A-Z index will fill the unused space on this page.
The performance report was very long so there was a general navigation issue – include links at the top so you can easily find information within the report. To improve navigation and provide a snapshot of the contents of a report, we are planning to test a new way of showing information in the performance at a glance report web pages. The change would mean that you would see only a list of topics which can be clicked on to show the relevant information.
Expected to find information on how satisfied customers are with council services in the “your feedback” section on our performance, instead I got a  contact us page. Information on how satisfied customers are with the council has now been added to the council’s performance pages. 
The layout was ok – the tables were quite nice but I couldn’t judge how well the council were doing. We will add more comparisons with other council’s to our reports so that you can judge how well the council is performing.

Related content

  1. Have your say on our performance
  2. Summary of results from customer testing of performance and improvement website pages