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Housing and Technical Resources

Executive Director of Housing and Technical Resources

Executive Director of Housing and Technical Resources

Stephen Gibson is the Executive Director of Housing and Technical Resources.

Key facts about the Executive Director post

The pay band for the Executive Director post is currently £152,631 - £156,911. Pay rates for Scottish Local Government Chief Officials are negotiated and agreed nationally through the Scottish Joint Negotiating Committee for Local Authorities Services (SJNC).

Performance appraisal
All employees, including the Executive Directors, have regular performance appraisals and for the Executive Director, these meetings are with the council's Chief Executive.

The Executive Director can reclaim appropriate business related expenses in line with the Travel and Subsistence Policy. This includes, for example, out of pocket expenses for travelling to and from meetings to represent the council's interests.

Political Restriction
Executive Director posts are politically restricted by the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. Accordingly, Executive Directors are disqualified from becoming or remaining a member of the local authority, the Scottish Parliament, the House of Commons, the European Parliament, or from undertaking certain political activities as defined in the regulations introduced, from time to time, by the Secretary of State for Scotland.

Annual leave
In line with the nationally agreed Chief Officials conditions, the Executive Directors receive 30 days annual leave which increases with service; 8 years - 31 days, 9 years - 32 days, 10 years - 33 days (maximum). They also receive 10 set public holidays per annum.

All Local Government employees are eligible to join the Local Government Pension Scheme including the Executive Directors. This is a contributory scheme which operates based on tiered contributions. Employees contribute between 5.5% and 11.2% of their pay and the council contributes 19.3%, effective from 1 April 2011. The council contributes the same percentage for all local government employees regardless of their role.

Gifts and hospitality
The council has a register of gifts and services. Generally, no employee should accept gifts, gratuities, hospitality and so on, from any customer or service user other than a token item.

Council Headquarters
Almada Street
Phone 0303 123 1012

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