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Housing Benefit - overpayments

What is a Housing Benefit overpayment?

This is where someone receives more Housing Benefit than they are entitled to.

What causes an overpayment?

This can happen if you do not tell us about a change in your circumstances which might affect your entitlement to benefit. For more details, please see our change of circumstances page.

How will I know that an overpayment has occurred?

We will write to you and advise you of:

  • the reason for the overpayment
  • the dates the overpayment happened
  • how much the overpayment is
  • how the overpayment is to be repaid

How can I pay back an overpayment?

  • If you're still in receipt of Housing Benefit, we will deduct an amount from your Housing Benefit and use it to reduce the overpayment.
  • If your landlord is receiving your benefit directly, an amount may be taken from your benefit which will reduce the amount your landlord will receive for you. This means that you will have to pay the difference between your rent and your Housing Benefit.
  • You can also use the link below and select “Housing Benefit Overpayment” payment from the options available:

What if I don't agree with the overpayment?

If you want to know more about the decision or if you think it is wrong you can use our online form to:

  • ask for an explanation
  • ask us to look at the decision again
  • appeal the decision and tell us the reasons for the appeal 

Please note: you must request the above within one calendar month of the date the overpayment letter was sent to you.