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Social Work services charges

Charges for Social Work Services

We provide a range of care services in the community which include the care at home service, supported living, housing support, respite services, day care and day opportunities, frozen meals, telecare and alert community alarms.

In relation to non residential services, our Charging Policy explains how much you may be required to pay towards your budget or the cost of these services. Our charging policy conforms to guidance issued by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).

The Charging Policy has been reviewed to include the implementation of Frank's Law, which extends personal care entitlement to all adults who are assessed by the local authority as needing this service, free of charge, effective from 1 April 2019.

For more information on our charges please contact your local social work office.

If you want to pay a social work invoice, please go to our online payments section and select 'council invoices'. Payments can be made by cash or card at any Pay Point facility or Post Office.  Please present your invoice when making a payment.

Related content

  1. Charges for Social Work Services
  2. Frank's Law
  3. More information